Hello Soul! How would you like me to practice this today?
I discover new and exciting ways to honor my divinity.
I let go of resistance and I am at peace.
NONRESISTANCE is really about not getting in the way of my good and remaining in the flow of my potential. In this river of life, as I move downstream towards the destination of my pure joy, it can be hard not to let the obstructions on my journey, allow me to become stuck. It is also hard to not want to turn around and moving against the flow, chasing after what I would like to see different in my experience. Both of these analogies are examples of how I can allow resistance to slow me down from achieving my dreams and goals. Today, I will avoid resistance as it appears on my path, and I know for sure, that I will be able to practice moving down stream as this day reveals itself.
Today is the best day ever!
Song of the day: